Algérie, le rêve d’un réel
On 22 February 2019, an entire nation in Algeria began a "revolutionary choreography" that no one seemed to have foreseen. This occupation of public space every Friday resulted in a political earthquake, including the departure of Bouteflika, but above all it was an opportunity for the Algerian people to remember themselves and become aware of their power to dream of a different world.
By steering clear of the paths of analysis and any form of theorisation, the book contains the subjective encounter of a few fragments of memory, just as we keep a few fragments of dreams when we wake up.
At a distance from reality and fully in the dream, Abdelkader Damani kept a diary of his moods from 8 March to 9 December 2019 while preparing a Biennial of Contemporary Art with the premonitory title "Un instant avant le monde" ("A moment before the world"). But these emotional moods alone could not account for the dream. The company of works of art was an obvious choice. The words of the poet Souad Labbize, like the gazes cast by the photographs of Leïla Saadna and Daphné Bengoa, joined by the drawings of Adel Bentounsi and the works of Zineb Sedira, Massinissa Selmani and Driss Ouadahi, form the landscapes of a dream for a reality.
Authors : under the direction of Abdelkader Damani, director of the Frac Centre-Val de Loire
French - 142 pages
Co-publishing Lienart / Frac Centre-Val de Loire - 2021