Ritournelles, Rémy Jacquier
27.04.2018 - 16.09.2018
"We take the plunge, we risk improvisation. But improvising means joining the World, or merging with it. You leave home to the tune of a ditty. On the motor, gestural and sonic lines that mark a child's habitual path, 'wandering lines' are grafted or begin to bud, with different loops, knots, speeds, movements, gestures and sounds".
Rémy Jacquier
This exhibition, devoted to the work of artist Rémy Jacquier, looks back over almost 20 years of practice, in which drawing, architecture and sculpture intersect with music, literature, philosophy and the natural sciences.
His protean work is particularly inhabited by the phenomena of transcription: inner ear diagrams transposed into instruments or models, literary works translated into Braille signs and then into architectural volumes... so many processes of transformation operating by sliding from one language to another, from one form to another. Each architectural volume, musical instrument, drawing or musical score is the result of the artist setting up an "open production system", encouraging a form of drifting or panic in search of a "point of balance between chaos and cosmos". Rémy Jacquier often creates a series of variations born of repetition, like so many wandering paths carved out from a single origin.
Referring as much to the idea of displacement and journey as to that of rhythm, line and the body become the fundamental elements of an approach marked both by a constant back-and-forth between the visible and the sensible - between optics and haptics - and by a performative approach to drawing. Neither an image nor a representation, drawing is seen by the artist as the reproduction of a lived experience in the space of a sheet of paper.