Patrick Bouchain, L'architecture Comme Relation
Patrick Bouchain is a master in the art of capturing, bringing together and revealing the intelligence and know-how needed to inhabit the world differently. Looking back over five decades of creative work, this book offers a previously unpublished inventory of the one hundred and fifty or so projects designed by Patrick Bouchain between 1967 and 2017. It follows the donation of the architect's archives to the FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, whose collection is one of the most important in the world for architecture. Conceived as an atlas, the book reveals the contents of the many notebooks created for each project, in which the twists and turns of drawing, collage and writing are interwoven, the rebounds of an oral thought process unfailingly stimulated by dialogue with society.
Authors : under the direction of Abdelkader Damani, Director of the Frac Centre-Val de Loire.
With contributions from Abdelkader Damani, Pierre Frey
French - 300 pages
Co-publishing Acte Sud / Frac Centre-Val de Loire